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UK Breathalyzer Supplier

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Personal to Police Issue

12 Month Warranty - Buy Today !


We supply individual budget breathalyzers through to UK Police issue

Buy Breathalyzer, Breathalysers

CA10 Breathalyzer

CAS20 Breathalyzer

Alcovisor Mars Breathalyzer

Supplier of Breathalyzers to Police Forces

We have featured in The Times & Sky News

Breathalyzer Direct are the UK's leading supplier of professional breathalyzers. We have been supplying individuals, companies, Police Forces with quality breathalysers for over 15 years.

Why Buy a Breathalyzer from Us ?

Our Expertise !

We know the breathalyzer business very well and have been supplying customers for many years with quality products. Our customer service and knowledge is industry leading. We are proud that a huge amount of our business is generated from recommendations and repeat customers. Try us for your next breathalyser purchase, you won't be disappointed !

We supply a large range of breathalyzer products from budget through to full evidential Police issue equipment. Our customer base ranges from individuals wishing to purchase a quality low cost product through to UK and World Police forces wishing to buy the very best breathalysers on the market.

There are a number of companies out there that will simply sell you a product offering the maximum profit. We take our time in offering tailored advice to our customers ensuring that any breathalyzer you buy from us is suitable for your needs. We also offer full after sales advice and back up should you require this post sale.

Click on a Breathalyzer image to view more details


Suppliers to Iraq, Uganda, Nigerian and UK Police Forces

Suppliers of Breathalysers to Tanzanian Police Force

Tested and  supplied to TV Shows. Authorised suppliers oif Police breathalyzers

Alcovisor Mercury supplied by Breathalyser Direct to Devon & Cornwall Police

About Breathalyser Direct – Why Buy a Breathalyzer from Us ?

Our Expertise !

We know the breathalyser business very well and have been supplying customers for over 15 years with quality products. Our customer service and knowledge is industry leading. We are proud that a huge amount of our business is generated through recommendations and repeat sales. Try us for your next breathalyser purchase, you will not be disappointed !

We supply a large range of breathalyzer products from budget through to full evidential Police issue equipment. Our customer base ranges from individuals wishing to purchase a quality low cost product through to UK and World Police forces wishing to buy the very best breathalysers on the market.

There are a number of companies out there that will simply sell you a product offering the maximum profit. We take our time in offering tailored advice to our customers ensuring that any breathalyzer you buy from us is suitable for your needs. We also offer full after sales advice and back up should you require this post sale.

Latest News

Breathalyser Direct Ltd are delighted to launch a brand new personal breathalyzer device which offers very high accuracy at a budget price, please check out our superb new CA10 Breathalyser. The addition of this new, exciting device makes us the ONLY company in the UK selling purely fuel cell based breathalyzers. Fuel cell powered breathalyzers are used in all Police equipment, they offer superior accuracy and reliability compared to the older style semi-conductor types that have dominated the market for so long. Semi-conductor sensors are very unreliable compared to the fuel cell powered versions that Breathalyzer Direct sell.

Alcohol Awareness - Working with UK Police & Government Organisations

We are proud to have been involved in the supply of a large number of AlcoVISOR Mercury and Mk X breathalyzers to pubs and clubs trying to tackle problem drinking in a number of large cities.

The breathalyser devices will be used by a number of Police forces in conjunction with Landlords and Club Management to educate drinkers by using screening at door entry. Heavily intoxicated individuals will not be allowed access.

We are also very active with a number of other large Police Forces around the World, especially in the Middle East where we have just released the World's first Arabic/Kurdish language breathalyzer. In addition, we are currently the ONLY UK breathalyzer company authorised to supply Police issue Lion Laboratories breathalyzers, Police issue Draeger devices and Police issue C4 Development law enforcement grade breathalyzers and accessories. Don't be put off ! We also supply many individuals and companies with breathalyzer equipment - NOT just Police forces.

The Number 1 Choice !

Breathalyzer Direct are the No. 1 choice for a very large number of buyers looking to purchase high quality breathalyzer equipment mainly due to our expertise and ability to offer tailored advice to suit individual needs - from budget consumer breathalyzer devices to Police grade breathalyzer and evidential equipment. We also supply the NHS, Irish Health Service, HM Customs, Police Forces throughout the World, Royal Air Force and numerous huge Multi - National shipping and mining companies eg Rio Tinto. Supplying smaller companies, organisations and individuals with top quality breathalysers. Contact us today ! We know the breathalyser business very well and have been supplying customers for over 10 years with quality products. Our customer service and knowledge is industry and knowledge is industry leading.

Where can I use my Breathalyzer ?

In a word - anywhere !

There is much confusion about calibration of breathalyzers and alcohol testing in general. All of our stock can be used anywehere in the World. you will get a quick start, handy guide to using your breathalyser and this will give you the numbers that you are looking for. In most countries outside the UK, the limit will display as 22 (0.05% BAC), in the UK (apart from Scotland) you are looking for 35 (0.08%).

Do you really want to take the risk with your licence or job by buying a cheap, inaccurate alcohol tester from eBay or Amazon only to find that the money you saved was a false economy ? Buy from us and be assured of quality and professional grade stock.

Help me Choose my Breathalyzer !

No problem, you can either give us a call or have alook at our webpage here:

Help Me Choose

Lion, Draeger, authorised breathalyser suppliers

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Thinking of Buying a Breathalyser From Us ?

1. High Quality Breathalyzer Units - All Highly Accurate Fuel Cell Sensors

2. Same Day Dispatch

3. Free Delivery

4. 12 Month Guarantee

5. Secure Online Ordering & Free Advice


Need Drug Tests ? Visit our sister site -

UK's Leading Breathalyser Suppliers


VAT Registration No. 921 9878 85

Breathalyser Direct Ltd - Registered Company Number: 06442896

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The UK's Leading Breathalyzer Experts

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Breathalyzer Payment Options

We accept paypal


Help choosing your breathalyzer

AL2500 Elite Breathalyser AL2500 Elite Breathalyser Click on an of the breathalyzer to be take to the page

















Our Range:


AL2500, AL6000, AL7000, Alcodigital 6000, Alcodigital 7000, Draeger 6510, Drager 6510, Drager 5510, Draeger 5510, Drager 6810, Draeger 6810, Drager 6820, Draeger 6820, Drager 7510, Draeger 7510, Alcodigital 3000, AlcoSafe, AlcoSafe KX6000S, BAC100, Alcotector, CA20, CA20 Pro Breathalyzer, CA10, Drager 3820, Draeger 3820, Drager 6000, Draeger 5000. Drager 4000, Draeger 4000


Alcovisor, Jupiter, Lion, Lion SD400, Lion Alcolmeter, Lion SD400P, Lion 500, Lion 500P, Lion 600, Lion 700. Lion 900,  Lion Alcoblow, Lion Alcolmeter, Lion Police Breathalyzer, Police Breathalyzer , Lion 700 Alcolmeter, Lion 900 Alcometer, Lion 900 Alcolmeter



Copyright Breathalyser Direct Ltd 2025

CA10 Morning After Breathalyzer Alcovisor Mars Breathalyzer CA20 Pro Breathalyzer Supplied to Army Alcovisor Mk X Police Grade Breathalyzer Alcovisor Mercury Breathalyzer - Supplied to Devon and Cornwall Police Alcovisor Jupiter Police Breathalyzer with Integral Printer Lion 500 UK Police Issue Breathalyzer